7.7.2. Curriculum, Number of Hours
The curriculum and number of teaching hours in a a typical adult education programme (night schools) corresponds roughly to the regulations governing the ordinary schools, the only difference being that in night senior high schools the course of studies is for four years while in counterpart day schools, it is for three years. For non-formal adult education, there are no particular curricula, as the curriculum is worked out in accordance with the programme and the particular target group. For example: * The education of adult gypsies includes: literacy, vocational training, health and hygiene, parental counselling. * The training of repatriates includes: modern Greek language, history, literature, geography, labour legislation, information about the operation of the Hellenic public services, etc. * For present or past inmates of Hellenic prisons, education includes: literacy, social and psychological support, vocational training in various sectors such as carpentry, ceramics, silverwork, automobile mechanic and new technologies.
10.7. Teachers and other staff, specific training
The Ministry of Education entrusts its inspectors charged with academic adaptation and integration, with the task of organising, following up on, and assessing the implementation of the policy in favour of handicapped pupils or pupils with severe difficulties, under the authority of the inspecteurs d’académie , directors of the département department of the Ministry of Education.
Decree no. 87-415 of 15 June 1987 created a certificate of aptitude for special education programmes for academic adaptation and integration (C.A.P.S.A.I.S.). This diploma testifies to the qualification of teachers appointed to work in classes, institutions or departments that take in handicapped, sick or problem children and adolescents, with the aim of providing them with academic adaptation and integration. The decree dated April 25 1997 removed the obligation to serve a minimum period in order to sit the CAPSAIS. The certificate is now delivered after an examination open to primary school teachers and teachers in the first degree of private education. In accordance with the decree of 15 June 1987, this examination consists of seven options corresponding to the various vocational situations for which the candidates are being prepared.
- option A: for teaching children and adolescents with hearing impairments;
- option B: for teaching visually handicapped or blind children and adolescents;
- option C: for teaching children and adolescents with somatic illnesses, physical deficiencies, or motor handicaps;
- option D: for teaching children and adolescents with serious psychological disorders;
- option E: for teaching and giving pedagogical assistance to pre-elementary and elementary school children with learning difficulties;
- option F: for teaching and pedagogical assistance to adolescents or youths with learning difficulties;
- option G: for rehabilitation.
The CAPSAIS examinations are organised in 3 specialisation units which are independent of each other.
- a) Specialisation unit n° 1 consists of a written paper to evaluate core knowledge and skills.
- b) Specialisation unit n° 2 comprises presentation of a professional subject and an oral examination on the teaching aspects and techniques of the option chosen.
- c) Specialisation unit n° 3 comprises, with the agreement of the Académie inspector, a professional test in the post corresponding to the option chosen, followed by an interview.
A reference list of the required professional skills, appended to the April 25 1997 decree, sets out the duties and skills expected of teachers specialised in pupil adaptation and integration assistance.
Courses of study for the C.A.P.S.A.I.S. examination are held either by the IUFM or by regional training centres.
The training courses are designed for a minimum period of 2 years (maximum 3 years). The total course time is between 600 and 700 hours, of which some 25% is devoted to core subjects, plus 180 to 200 hours of accompanied practical training and the period (s) of unassisted work in specialised posts. The course may be taken on an alternate training basis.
Certain courses are common to all the options.
The examination consists of theoretical tests (two written papers and two oral tests), which, when passed, are followed by a practical examination before a panel.
CLIS classes are placed in the charge of specialised primary school or school teachers, with specialised teaching qualifications (CAPSAIS) in options D or E. Training of teachers in CLIS is completed by in-service training adapted to the characteristics of the job in which they are working at a given time. This in-service training education is organised at national, regional and département level. Training periods generally last between 2 days and 2 weeks, and are organised by the Centre for handicapped children in Suresnes (CNEFEI, Centre d’études et de formation pour l’enfance inadaptée),and by the National Centre for specialised education and school adaptation (CNEFASES, Centre national d’études et de formation pour l’adaptation scolaire et l’éducation spécialisée), in Beaumont-sur-Oise.
However, until now, no particular training, either initial or continuing, is required for secondary school teachers working in specialised classes.
Teaching in SEGPA is done mainly by specialised primary school or schoolteachers qualified by option F of the CAPSAIS), or by vocational Lycée teachers. They are assisted by Collège teachers, more particularly for sport and PE, modern languages, experimental subjects or technology.
In the 1995 autumn term, the Suresnes national training centre set up an experimental specialised training programme for teachers of children and adolescents with serious development, communication and relational problems. This experiment is part of a European project called “EDUCAUTISME”, which is a training project funded by the European Social Fund under the EU Horizon initiative, shared by Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Greece and France.