This Document is a courtesy of the Commission of the European Communities, DGXV.
Its reference number is XV/E/58420/95 – Orig.: SV
A. Structure of the Profession
Question n°1.
“Psykoterapeut” [psychotherapist].
Question n°2.
Question n°3.
With regard to health-care activities, nobody may claim to be psychotherapist without having authorisation to practise the profession cf. Law No 1984:542 on authority to practise a health-care profession etc.
Question n°4.
An authorised psychotherapist has the formal authority and expertise to work independently as a psychotherapist in the area of individual psychotherapy (analysis, advice and treatment).
Question n°5.
In order for the fees for treatment to be refunded by the public insurance scheme, the psychotherapist must have an agreement with the agency responsible for medical care.
Question n°6.
30% of authorised psychotherapists are authorised psychologists, the remainder being, for example, authorised doctors, social workers, priests or authorised nurses. They are organised by their respective professional associations.
Question n°7.
The National Board of Health and Welfare, Socialstyrelsen, S-106 30 Stockholm, Sweden.
B. Structure of Education and Training
Question n°1.
Admission to the supplementary psychotherapy course is subject to satisfaction of one of the following conditions:
- (1) completion of specialist training in general psychiatry or child or youth psychiatry in accordance with the 1985 syllabus, or
- (2) completion of psychology training in accordance with the 1982 syllabus, or
- (3) completion of training deemed equivalent to step 1 of the previous state psychotherapy training, or
- (4) completion of training deemed equivalent to step 1 of the previous state psychotherapy training [sic], or
- (5) acquisition by other means of equivalent expertise.
In addition, the applicant must have himself received a course of psychotherapy (50 hours of individual therapy or 120 hours of group therapy) and have been supervised (60 hours of individual supervision or 120 hours of supervision in a group of no more than four), either as part of his training or otherwise.
Thereafter, the applicant is required to have been professionally active for at least two years following his basic psychotherapy training and, in so doing, have had the opportunity to apply the methods of psychotherapy for a large proportion of his work. This requirement is considered to be met if the person concerned has completed specialist training in general psychiatry in accordance with the above (point 1). The applicant must also supply a certificate from his employer showing that, during his period of training, he has received work commissions containing elements of psychotherapy which can form the basis of supervision.
Question n°2.
Three years on a part-time basis (60 points).
Question n°3.
Content and structure of training:
- Theoretical and methodological part: During this part of the training (45 points), the following subjects are covered:
- (1) psychological theories relevant to psychotherapy,
- (2) diagnostic methods,
- (3) psychopathology,
- (4) methods of psychotherapy, with advanced training in a method and theory,
- (5) research and evaluation methods, and relevant scientific theory, and
- (6) professional ethics, objectives and the organisation of the psychological health and welfare system.
- Supervision and therapy part: During this part of the training (15 points), the following subjects and skills are covered:
- (1) practice of psychotherapy under supervision,
- (2) participation in treatment conferences, and
- (3) individual psychotherapy of the candidate covering at least 75 hours in addition to the requirements for admission to the training.
This training may be obtained at the Karolinska Institute and at the Universities of Lund and Umeá.