This Document is a courtesy of the Commission of the European Communities, DGXV.
Its reference number is XV/E/58420/95 – Orig.: SV
A. Structure of the Profession
Question n°1.
“Psykolog” [psychologist].
Question n°2.
Question n°3.
With regard to health-care activities, nobody may claim to be a psychologist without authorisation to practise the profession or without having completed the practical service as a psychologist prescribed by the Government, cf. Law No 1984:542 on authority to practise a health-care profession etc., Regulation No 1984:545 on authority to practise a health-care profession etc., and the rules and general advice of the National Board of Health and Welfare [Socialstyrelsen] concerning the authorisation of psychologists (SOSFS 1986:43).
Question n°4.
An authorised psychologist has the formal authority and expertise to work independently as a psychologist in the areas of individual psychology, such as psychological analysis, advice or treatment individually or in a group, other psychological work, such as analysis of groups and organisations, other environmental, organisational, and preventive work, evaluation and method development, and the instruction and training of other professional categories or other consultation work.
Question n°5.
In order for the fees for treatment to be refunded by the public insurance scheme, the psychologist must have an agreement with the agency responsible for medical care.
Question n°6.
Sveriges Psykologforbund [the Swedish Association of Psychologists], Box 3287, 103 65 Stockholm.
Question n°7.
The National Board of Health and Welfare, Socialstyrelsen, S-106 30 Stockholm, Sweden.
B. Structure of Education and Training
Question n°1.
Completed “gynmasium” education.
Question n°2.
5 years (200 points).
Question n°3.
Content: The training is based on psychology as a science and on knowledge of other subjects, primarily pedagogy and sociology, which provide an alliterative perspective and broader view of how to soave problems within the various areas of a psychologists work. The following courses are included in the training:
- (A) Introduction and basic courses:10 points;
- (B) Society and social analysis: 10 points;
- (C) Basic mental functions: 15 points;
- (D) Man from various development perspectives: 20 points;
- (E) Psychology of personality: 15 points;
- (F) Groups and organisations: 15 points;
- (G) Analysis and treatment of individuals: 15 points;
- (H) Advanced practical work: 25 points; (K) Psychotherapy: 25 points;
- (L) Organisation and environment: 20 points;
- (M) Evaluation, method development and research: 10 points;
- (N) Essay work: 20 points.
The length of each course is indicated in points, each point corresponding to approximately one week of full-time study. A year is made up of 40 points. Training in the first four semestres is predominantly theoretical. The final six semesters consist of a sandwich course of both theoretical and practical training.
Training is available at the Universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Lund, Gothenburg and Umea.